EndIt Month

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EndIt Month

“Nothing happens just because we are aware of modern-day slavery, but nothing will ever happen until we are.” – Gary Haugen – CEO, International Justice Mission

‘Shine a Light on Slavery’ is a day to remind the world of the work yet to be done in the fight against human trafficking. The EndIt movement began in 2012 with the aim of spreading awareness about modern-day slavery that is very prevalent yet almost invisible. A number of organisations joined together to begin awareness programs and law advocation, as well as on the ground work. Their most popular public event requires a simple action: drawing a red ‘X’ on your hand on every international ‘Shine a Light on Slavery’ day. This year, it takes place on the 7th February 2019 – the digits of the date represent the 27 million people around the world still enslaved. The idea of the red X is to allow it to spark conversations as you go through your day, to use the opportunities to explain what modern day human slavery is and what people can do about it. Supporters also take selfies with their marked hand and post it to as many social media platforms as possible, to boost awareness and encourage others to join in the fight against human trafficking.

Most people are shocked as they learn what the second largest organised crime looks like. People of all ages and genders are smuggled, abducted, forced into labour and purposefully exploited on a daily basis, often in the neighbourhoods we trust and call ‘home’. South Africa is home to one of the most powerful anti-human trafficking laws in the world. This is a fight that calls for HOPE – there’s something for everyone to do! Justice is in the hands of the ordinary.

Post a picture of yourself today and get a conversation going tag Hope Risen Foundation. Let’s #EndIt !


See more about EndIt:

