Category: News

Men and Trafficking: Not Just Perpetrators

Men and Trafficking: Not Just Perpetrators

Are men in more danger than we thought? Whilst the idea of the human trafficking trade is commonly associated with women forced into trafficking, men and boys are increasingly being identified as victims of human trafficking, making up at least 29% of the trade. From 2006 when 12% of victims recognized were male, in 2014...

Sex Trafficking: Closer Than We’d Like to Think

Sex Trafficking: Closer Than We’d Like to Think

Defining Sex Trafficking October is human trafficking month. This week we have been defining and discussing the approximately 54% (1) contributing factor of human trafficking, which is sex trafficking. Sex trafficking happens despite age and gender and has over 21 million victims(2). 72% of female trafficking victims are trafficked for sexual exploitation(1). Examples of these...

Labour exploitation: Are you playing a role?

Labour exploitation: Are you playing a role?

Cases of forced labour contributes to 38% of all trafficking cases [1]. Forced labour is used to decrease production costs and thereby increase profit margins for businesses. It can be defined as the following: “When a person is forced to work, without their consent, by threats or coercion. This includes bonded labor, forced domestic work,...

How much is a body worth? Organ Trafficking and the business of bodies.

How much is a body worth? Organ Trafficking and the business of bodies.

What would you do if somebody offered you R2 million for whatever you had in your pocket at the time and didn’t really need? What if it wasn’t in your pocket, but maybe tucked away in your torso — a “spare” kidney. Poor health affects us and our loved ones and sometimes an organ transplant is recommended...

Red Flags of Human Trafficking

Red Flags of Human Trafficking

The following Red Flags can be used to help identify potential Human Trafficking cases. If you have come across an incident that may have the following Red Flags we ask that you contact Hope Risen as soon as possible. List of Red Flags No local dialects New arrival in the country Lack of documentation /...

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