The following Red Flags can be used to help identify potential Human Trafficking cases. If you have come across an incident that may have the following Red Flags we ask that you contact Hope Risen as soon as possible.
List of Red Flags
- No local dialects
- New arrival in the country
- Lack of documentation / documents controlled by someone else
- Debt bondage
- Child accompanied by an unrelated adult
- Submissive / signs of fear / depression / extreme nervousness
- Lack of freedom to move
- Watched 24/7 or living with employer
- Poor living conditions
- Answers appear scripted or rehearsed
- Give a vague / inconsistent explanation of where they live and work
- Appears to move location frequently
- Unpaid or paid very little
- Stockholm Syndrome
- Under 18 and in prostitution / providing commercial sex acts
- Serious injuries left untreated & vague or reluctant to explain
- Evidence of long term multiple injuries
- Signs of physical abuse or general physical neglect
- Branding tattoos
- Indications of mental, physical or sexual trauma
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Pregnant / previous abortions
- Drug addiction
- Disordered eating or poor nutrition
- Evidence of self-harm
- Dental pain
- Fatigue
- Non-specific symptoms of PTSD
- Symptoms of psychiatric and psychological distress
- Back or stomach pain, skin problems, headaches and dizzy spells
What can you do?
Be a Voice
Awareness is a huge need in South Africa — the average South African doesn’t know that Human Trafficking is a problem in our country. Email for more details on our Anti-Human Trafficking Workshops.
- Book a Speaker
- Cycle for Hope
- Run for Hope
- Raise awareness with your friends & family
Share Everything
- Blog posts
- Share on Facebook / Twitter / Social Media
- Share with your company
- Local newspaper / magazine
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Follow is on Instagram: HFW_SA
Follow is on Twitter: @HopeforWomenSA1